
Trade With Morocco

Imports from Morocco$45.8m
Exports to Morocco$40.1m
Imports from Morocco
Exports to Morocco
Source: United Nations

Top Imports from Morocco

Trade Value
Trade Quantity1
Salt; sulphur; earths, stone; plastering materials, lime and cement$12.34m
Apparel and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted$11.86m
Natural calcium phosphates; natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk$10.77m58.2mWeight in kilograms
Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk; ground$10.77m58.2mWeight in kilograms
Suits, ensembles, jackets, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear); women's or girls' (not knitted or crocheted)$4.61m230.79kNumber of items
Apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted$4.22m
Fertilizers; mineral or chemical, containing 2 or 3 of the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium; other fertilisers; goods of chapter 31 in tablets or packages of gross weight not exceeding 10kg$4.02m7.4mWeight in kilograms
Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers, parts and accessories of such articles$3.32m
Aluminium and articles thereof$3.01m

Top Exports to Morocco

Trade Value
Trade Quantity1
Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes$16.87m
Coke and semi-coke; of coal, lignite or peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon$15.40m182.8mWeight in kilograms
Coke and semi-coke; of coal, lignite or peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon$15.40m182.8mWeight in kilograms
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared animal fats; animal or vegetable waxes$13.57m
Vegetable oils; palm oil and its fractions, crude, not chemically modified$10.88m9.5mWeight in kilograms
Palm oil and its fractions; whether or not refined, but not chemically modified$10.88m9.5mWeight in kilograms
Plastics and articles thereof$4.45m
Vinyl chloride, other halogenated olefin polymers; poly(vinyl chloride), not mixed with any other substances, in primary forms$4.36m2.4mWeight in kilograms
Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms$4.36m2.4mWeight in kilograms
Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion$3.01m701.39kWeight in kilograms
1 Not all goods in this category have a common measurement and therefore no measurement is reported.
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